Town Assessor
STAR Program
STAR applications must be received by March 1st of each year. Only the Enhanced STAR has to be renewed every year (65 years of age and older and qualifying income). The STAR exemption only applies to School taxes.
There are several exemptions available to property owners and include Senior and Veteran. Please contact the Assessor for more information.
If you would like your property assessment reviewed, please submit a letter to the Assessor.
Exemptions Filing Date:
March 1st (Resident must file all paperwork with Assessor by March 1st)
Taxable Status Date:
March 1st (State of the property as of 3/1 i.e. land, shell, demolished)
Tentative Roll Filed:
May 1st (Preliminary assessment filed)
Grievance Day
June 1st
Final Assessment Roll Filed:
July 1st
Town of Alfred, NY Board Meetings:
Are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm
Town Building, 6340 Shaw Road, Alfred Station
Assessor Bobbi Elderkin
Box 230 6340 Shaw Road
Alfred Station, NY 14803
Town Assessor’s Hours:
Wednesday 11:00 am – 1:00 pm