Town Highway Dept
Snow and Ice Control Policy
When adverse weather conditions occur, the highway department will respond as soon as possible with snow removal and ice control.
In case of light snow and ice, plowing and sanding will be done simultaneously. In case of heavy snow, plowing will be primary duty so roads will be passable as soon as possible, with sanding being done secondary.
School bus routes and the heaviest traveled roads will have priority. The Town of Alfred will try to keep favorable conditions on all roads. Allegany County does not have a “bare road policy” on “local roads”. The Town of Alfred also does not have a “bare road policy”.
There will be no service from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am due to financial and personnel restraints. If emergency services are required during these hours the Highway Department will respond.
Seasonal Roads in the Town of Alfred
The following roads have been designated to be seasonal roads in the Town of Alfred:
Bob Halsey, Superintendent of Highways
Box 230 6340 Shaw Road
Alfred Station, NY 14803
607-587-9184 (w)
Town of Alfred, NY Board Meetings:
Are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm